Dr William Yu
CEO, World Green Organisation

Dr. William Yu is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of World Green
Organisation. He is an energy economist and climate professional by training and
completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge. He earned an Executive MBA from
the Thunderbird Global Management School, U.S.. Dr. Yu also completed a
Sustainable Finance Programme at Cambridge and accredited by UNDP as trainer
on United Nations SDG Impact Standards. Additionally, Dr. Yu is the scholarship
recipient of the Executive Education in non-profit strategic management at
the Harvard Business School.
Dr. Yu is ESBN Task Force Member, The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
the Pacific, the United Nations and the Vice-Chair of Asia Pacific Business Forum
(APBF) of the United Nations ESBN 2022. He is also a member in Advisory Council on
the Environment (ACE), Environment and Ecology Bureau and member in newly
established Council for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development, HKSAR
Dr. Yu is also Advisor on Certified ESG Planner (CEP) qualification and Certified China
Carbon Trader of Shanghai Environment Energy Exchange, advising investment banks
and several public accounting firms on Forestry Carbon Credit Projects, Valuation of
Carbon Assets and Carbon Trading, Chair of the Peer Reviewers Committee for GRI 12
Coal Sector and GRI 13 Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fishing Sector on Traditional
Chinese Standard Review Process.