
Registration Opens
Welcome Address
Guest of Honour Address
Opening Remarks

Professor Rocky S Tuan
Vice-Chancellor and President
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Lam Hon-ming
Organizing Committee of Global Conference on Sustainable Development

The Hon Tse Chin-wan, GBS, JP
Secretary for the Environment and Ecology
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

17 SDGs
Keynote Speeches

Mr Ban Ki-moon
Former United Nations Secretary General and Co‐Chair
Ban Ki‐moon Centre for Global Citizens

Professor Jeffrey Sachs
United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network

17 SDGs
Networking Break
Plenary Session 1
Sustainable Development Governance: Government, Civil Society and Business

Professor John Burns
Emeritus Professor of Politics and Public Administration
The University of Hong Kong
Sustainable development governance is essential in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensuring that social, economic, and environmental factors are taken into account in policy and decision-making. However, various stakeholders face challenges in implementing sustainable development policies and practices, including limited resources, competing priorities, and regulatory barriers. Effective governance structures and partnerships with civil society and the private sector are crucial to overcoming these challenges. Governments must develop comprehensive sustainable development policies and strategies that consider the interests of all stakeholders. Civil society organizations must advocate for policy change, mobilize public support, and hold governments and businesses accountable for their actions. Businesses must adopt sustainable practices and technologies, invest in renewable energy and resource efficiency, and promote social and environmental responsibility. Collaboration and partnership among different stakeholders are crucial in promoting sustainable development governance. Multi-stakeholder partnerships, public-private partnerships, and community-based initiatives are successful examples of collaboration among governments, civil society organizations, and businesses. Engaging the community, education and raising public awareness are essential in promoting sustainable development. The plenary session on 'Sustainable Development Governance: Government, Civil Society and Business' will provide insights into the critical role of different stakeholders in promoting sustainable development and how they can collaborate to overcome challenges and achieve common goals. Effective governance structures, partnerships, and stakeholder collaboration are essential in promoting sustainable development governance and ensuring a more sustainable future for all.

Professor Danny Lam
Center for Civil Society and Governance
The University of Hong Kong
SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals
Lunch Break
Plenary Session 2
University Sustainability Index: Model Good Practices in Higher Education

Professor Carlos Lo
Director, Centre for Business Sustainability and
Chairman, Department of Government and Public Administration
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
This plenary session will share the understanding of university social responsibility and its importance. On this basis, it will consider how universities should engage in USR practices in order to achieve university sustainable development. Finally, it will explore how to track USR performance and assess its impacts for continuing improvement with an University Sustainability Index.

Professor Carolyn Egri
Beedie School of Business
Simon Fraser University

17 SDGs
Launch of University Sustainability Index
Networking Break
Breakout Session 1
Sustainable Finance and Green Investment

Dr William Yu
World Green Organisation
SDG 8 emphasises inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all. This session will explore the role of sustainable finance and green investment in attaining this goal amid the current climate crisis. With global environmental disasters increasing in frequency and intensity, rising global temperatures - underscored by July 2023 being the hottest month ever recorded globally, threats of the AMOC ocean systems' collapse, and alarming biodiversity loss, the need for urgent action is clear. Moreover, the social implications of climate change, compounded by the public health and occupational safety risks posed by COVID-19, demand our immediate attention. The panel aims to explore how sustainable finance can direct investments to adapt and mitigate these pressing environmental and social issues. Despite the return on investments for green finance not meeting expectations in the past two years, the conference will examine the way forward. Key questions to be addressed include: Where should we direct capital for green investing, whether the focus should be on short-term or long-term solutions, such as continuous education, and how corporations can be encouraged to engage with ESG solutions. By facilitating dialogues among global leaders and experts, the conference seeks to advance the implementation of sustainable finance as a tool for combating the climate crisis and promoting global sustainability.

Mr Alpha Chia
Risk Advisory Services
BDO Limited
SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
Breakout Session 2
Building an Age-friendly City in Hong Kong

Professor Jean Woo
Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing and Co‐Director, CUHK Institute of Health Equity
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Sustainable Development Goals are intertwined and have differential impacts on the health of people. The session will discuss the impact of climate change to older people in Hong Kong, how physical and social environment affects their unequal healthy aging and why such environment is important to building an age-friendly city in Hong Kong.

Professor Helene Fung
Department of Psychology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being
SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities