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Ms Lydia Siu

Research Director (Qualitative), Ipsos

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Lydia is an experienced market researcher with extensive fieldwork experience in Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and the US. Her work covers a wide range of research areas including program evaluation, customer segmentation, new product launch, concept testing, branding and customer satisfaction for providing fruitful insights to local and international clients.
Graduated from the M. Phil. in Anthropology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Lydia has been academically and professional trained as a qualitative researcher. She started her career as a research assistant at the Department of Molecular Biology and worked with Prof. Hon-ming Lam on his soybean study, before working at an international fund with programs to support agriculture and clean energy in developing countries in SEA.
She returned to Hong Kong in 2014 and started her career in market research. Her compassion and dedication in addressing social issues lead to her numerous research experience with NGOs, charities, education institutes and institutional organizations. Her recent qualitative social research include evaluation study on STEM education program and career-life development, public opinion study on Hong Kong’s future, gender equality and perception on sexual minorities, volunteerism, citywide health enhancement, SEN education needs as well as bio-technology development strategy for Hong Kong.
Lydia is also a founder of Cultural Outings, a registered non-profit organization in Hong Kong, aiming to fostering cultural exchanges among the Chinese and the communities of ethnic minority via the tours, workshops, communal events and publications.

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