Professor Liugang Sheng
Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Sheng Liugang is an Associate Professor of the Department of Economics in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also the associate director of the Economic Research Centre and the director of the Trade and Development Programme in the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. Prof. Sheng’s research interests cover international trade, international macroeconomics, and economic development. His papers have been published in many reputable international and Chinese journals including Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Review of International Economics, China Economic Quarterly, and Law and Social Sciences. He also published a book titled with “Changes in the China-US Economic Relations: Challenges and Strategies”. Prof. Sheng received his PhD in economics from University of California, Davis in 2012. He also obtained MA in economics from Virginia Tech in 2008. Before he went to US, he received the bachelor and master degree from Peking University in 2002 and 2005 respectively.